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Binary compound (n): a chemical compound which is made up of two elements. bind (v, past and past participle bound): to stick together or cause to stick together, for example through chemical bonding. chemical change (n): the process in which the nature of a substance is transformed because of a chemical reaction. chemical formula (n): the group of letters and numbers which show the composition of a chemical compound, for example CO2. [...]

Esta secuencia contiene:

  • 5 actividades

  • 5 recursos

  • Idioma:

    • Inglés
  • Formato:


Secuencia didáctica

  • 1

    Unit 8: Matter and its properties

    Binary compound (n): a chemical compound which is made up of two elements. bind (v, past and past participle bound): to stick together or cause to stick together, for example through chemical bonding. [...]

  • 2

    Unit 9: Motion and forces

    Accelerate (v): to go faster; to increase in velocity. apparent weight (n): the total sum of forces acting on a body. area (n): a quantity which expresses the extent of a twodimensional surface. [...]

  • 3

    Unit 10: Obtaining and using energy

    Acid rain (n): rain which is acidic due to the presence of pollutants. balanced (adj): distributed evenly. biomass (n): organic matter used as a source of energy. blade (n): the arm which makes a wind turbine go round. [...]

  • 4

    Unit 11: Heat and temperature

    Air-tight (adj): completely closed so that air cannot get in or out. alcohol (n): a colourless inflammable liquid used as a solvent and in thermometers. anomalous (adj): different from what is expected. [...]

  • 5

    Unit 12: Waves. Light and sound

    Amplitude (n): the distance between a crest or a trough and the equilibrium position of a wave. converging lens (n): a lens which concentrates the light which passes through it. deafness (n): not being able to hear. [...]

Cursos y asignaturas

  • 13 años:
    • Biología
    • Geologia
  • 14 años:
    • Geologia
    • Biología

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