Recursos educativos
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- América Latina
- Relieve de América
- Auxiliary verbs
- La península Ibérica en la Antigüedad
- Arte románico
- Guía para crear cuentos
- Astros del planeta tierra
- Experimentos de colegio
- Letras K
- Aprender a dividir
- Huerto escolar
- música niños
- Descargar ejercicios de matemáticas
- Alemán-Lengua extranjera
- Comunidades autónomas
Computers and the Internet
EduBook Organización
- 2756 visitas
What is a computer? A computer is a machine which can store a large quantity of information in different formats. These include text, sound and images. A computer has different parts: a central unit…
Job application
Tiching explorer Organización
- 2 lo usan
- 2874 visitas
In this interactive activity we have to find and use all the relevant information to fill out a job application. We read the tips to fill a job application. The we drag and drop information from our…
Webquest: Food
Tiching explorer Organización
- 3 lo usan
- 5037 visitas
The resource contains a webquest focused on food as main topic. We learn about the Food Pyramid. We speak about food we like / don't like. We learn vocabulary related to objects we use for eating. We…
A letter to my penpal
Eduxunta Organización
- 1 lo usan
- 3039 visitas
In this activity we complete an email with our own personal information. We practice introducing ourselves. We ask for personal information. We revise the full and contracted forms of the verbs 'have…
Webquest: A typical British Family
Php Webquest Organización
- 4639 visitas
In this webquest we get an accurate picture of a typical British family. We make a poster showing pictures, customs, children average and kind of houses. We search information in the internet and we…
A webquest about Madrid
Xtec Organización
- 3729 visitas
The main task in this webquest is to plan a five-day trip to Madrid. We learn about culture, leisure and travellers' opinions about Madrid. We work in groups. We search information in the internet. We…
Treasure hunt: Who is the Queen?
Tiching explorer Organización
- 2962 visitas
In this activity we learn about the Queen of England. We practice vocabulary related to the family. We draw and describe the members of our imaginary royal family. The resource provides links in order…
Analyse. Fishing in the EU
EduBook Organización
- 2236 visitas
Analyse the information in the table and do the activities: Which countries caught the most fish in 2008? Where is Spain in this list of countries? Compare the information for 1992 and 2008 and make a…
Webquest: A day in Oxford
Php Webquest Organización
- 2 lo usan
- 3417 visitas
This resource contains a webquest. We plan a trip to Oxford. We speak about our interests, our favourite meals, what would we like to do there, sports, free time, go shopping. We search for information…
Make a yearbook
Tiching explorer Organización
- 3165 visitas
The objective of this project is to make a school yearbook or a poster on Glogster ( We learn what is a yearbook. We write about personal information, our family, pets, our…
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