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How the Leopard Got His Spots (part two)

‘I know the animals are here somewhere,’ says the Leopard, ‘but I can’t see them. Let’s wait until the night.’ ‘Alright,’ says the Man. They sit down and wait. When it is dark they hear and smell the Zebra and the Giraffe. The Man catches the Giraffe. ‘Now you’re mine!’ he says, happily. And the Leopard catches the Zebra. ‘And now you’re mine!’ he shouts, looking at the Zebra. ‘But there’s something strange about these animals. [...]

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  • 2 actividades

  • 4 recursos

  • Idioma:

    • Inglés
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Secuencia didáctica

  • 1


    ‘I know the animals are here somewhere,’ says the Leopard, ‘but I can’t see them. Let’s wait until the night.’ ‘Alright,’ says the Man. They sit down and wait. When it is dark they hear and smell the Zebra and the Giraffe. [...]

  • 2

    Understanding the text - How the Leopard Got His Spots (part two)

    ‘I know the animals are here somewhere,’ says the Leopard, ‘but I can’t see them. Let’s wait until the night.’ ‘Alright,’ says the Man. They sit down and wait. When it is dark they hear and smell the Zebra and the Giraffe. [...]

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